const (
	nil* = 0

var fileseparator*: char // platform specific file separator. linux => /, windows => \
var os*: int // current os

fn init

Automatically initializes platform specific stuff

fn init() {

fn dir

returns the directory in inp

fn dir*(inp: str): str {

fn file

returns the file in inp

fn file*(inp: str): str {

fn ext

returns the extension of file inp. if there is no extension, or it is a diroctory, output is ""

fn ext*(inp: str): str {

fn fromslash

converts / to platform specific separator

fn fromslash*(inp: str): str {

fn toslash

converts platform specific separator to /

fn toslash*(inp: str) : str {

fn join

joins the strings in inp with platform specific separator

fn join*(inp: ..str): str {

fn split

Splits inp with platform specific separator or /

fn split*(path: str): []str {

import (

const (
	nil* = 0

var fileseparator*: char // platform specific file separator. linux => /, windows => \
var os*: int // current os

//~~fn init
// Automatically initializes platform specific stuff
fn init() {
	os = windows
	if std::getenv("HOME") != "" {
		os = unix

	switch os {
	case unix:
		fileseparator = '/'
	case windows:
		fileseparator = '\\'

//~~fn dir
// returns the directory in inp
fn dir*(inp: str): str {
	if os == nil {

	sp := strings::split(inp, "/", str(fileseparator))
	if len(sp) < 2 {
		return ""
	return strings::join(slice(sp, 0, len(sp)-1), str(fileseparator))

//~~fn file
// returns the file in inp
fn file*(inp: str): str {
	if os == nil {

	sp := strings::split(inp, "/", str(fileseparator))
	if len(sp) < 2 {
		return inp
	return sp[len(sp)-1]

//~~fn ext
// returns the extension of file inp. if there is no extension, or it is a diroctory, output is ""
fn ext*(inp: str): str {
	if os == nil {
	sp := strings::split(inp, ".")
	return sp[len(sp) - 1]

//~~fn fromslash
// converts / to platform specific separator
fn fromslash*(inp: str): str {
	if os == nil {

	return strings::replace(inp, "/", str(fileseparator))

//~~fn toslash
// converts platform specific separator to /
fn toslash*(inp: str) : str {
	if os == nil {

	return strings::replace(inp, str(fileseparator), "/")

//~~fn join
// joins the strings in inp with platform specific separator
fn join*(inp: ..str): str {
	if os == nil {

	o := ""
	for i,s in inp {
		o += strings::trimprefix(s, str(fileseparator))
		if i < len(inp) - 1 && o[len(o) -1] != fileseparator {
			o += str(fileseparator)
	return o

//~~fn split
// Splits inp with platform specific separator or /
fn split*(path: str): []str {
	if os == nil {

	return strings::split(path, "/", str(fileseparator))

fn main() {
	path := join("home/", "/user", "file.txt")
	printf("path: %s\n", path)
	printf("dir: %s\n", dir(path))
	printf("file: %s\n", file(path))
	printf("ext: %s\n", ext(path))
	printf("fromslash: %s\n", fromslash(path))
	printf("toslash: %s\n", toslash(path))