is a library which provides an alternative formatting function. The library mimicks the naming scheme of the libc printf functions:
- output to stringf
- oupput to filev
- take arguments as [] instead of using varargs
The default fmt
uses stdout as output and takes arguments through varargs.
in the format strings are substituted by the values from the args
array. It is not required to specify the type of the value. If you prefix
the brackets with a backslash (\{}
), it will be ignored and printed as
The brackets can contain modifiers. The syntax is following:
"{"[[":"][<character>]<number>[":"]]<list of flags>"}"
The first part of the format modifier is the length. If the formatted value is longer than the length, it will be truncated. If it's shorter, it will be padded by the character (if no character is specified as space is used). The side of the padding is decided based on the colons. If they are on both sides, the text will be padded from both sides.
The second part specifies modifier flags, which are single characters
(excluding :
, '', }
and numbers). List of flags:
- print as hexadecimalX
- print as hexadecimal, uppercasep
- pretty print valuesh
- print as a hexdump (can be combined withp
fn vsfmt
fn vsfmt*(s: str, args: []any): str {
fn sfmt
fn sfmt*(s: str, args: ..any): str {
fn vffmt
fn vffmt*(f: std::File, s: str, args: []any) {
fn ffmt
fn ffmt*(f: std::File, s: str, args: ..any) {
fn vfmt
fn vfmt*(s: str, args: []any) {
fn fmt
fn fmt*(s: str, args: ..any) {
import (
// is a library which provides an alternative formatting function. The
// library mimicks the naming scheme of the libc printf functions:
// * `s` - output to string
// * `f` - oupput to file
// * `v` - take arguments as [] instead of using varargs
// The default `fmt` uses stdout as output and takes arguments through varargs.
// ## Syntax
// `{}` in the format strings are substituted by the values from the `args`
// array. It is not required to specify the type of the value. If you prefix
// the brackets with a backslash (`\{}`), it will be ignored and printed as
// `{}`.
// The brackets can contain modifiers. The syntax is following:
// ```
// "{"[[":"][][":"]]"}"
// ```
// The first part of the format modifier is the length. If the formatted value
// is longer than the length, it will be truncated. If it's shorter, it will be
// padded by the character (if no character is specified as space is used). The
// side of the padding is decided based on the colons. If they are on both
// sides, the text will be padded from both sides.
// The second part specifies modifier flags, which are single characters
// (excluding `:`, '\', `}` and numbers). List of flags:
// * `x` - print as hexadecimal
// * `X` - print as hexadecimal, uppercase
// * `p` - pretty print values
// * `h` - print as a hexdump (can be combined with `p`)
type Mod* = struct {
padLeft: bool
padRight: bool
padChar: char
pad: int
flags: map[char]bool
fn formatVal(v: any, m: Mod): str {
s := ""
if m.flags['x'] {
switch i := type(v) {
case char:
s = sprintf("%x", int(i))
case uint8:
s = sprintf("%x", i)
case int8:
s = sprintf("%x", i)
case uint16:
s = sprintf("%x", i)
case int16:
s = sprintf("%x", i)
case uint32:
s = sprintf("%x", i)
case int32:
s = sprintf("%x", i)
case uint:
s = sprintf("%x", i)
case int:
s = sprintf("%x", i)
} else if m.flags['X'] {
switch i := type(v) {
case char:
s = sprintf("%X", int(i))
case uint8:
s = sprintf("%X", i)
case int8:
s = sprintf("%X", i)
case uint16:
s = sprintf("%X", i)
case int16:
s = sprintf("%X", i)
case uint32:
s = sprintf("%X", i)
case int32:
s = sprintf("%X", i)
case uint:
s = sprintf("%X", i)
case int:
s = sprintf("%X", i)
} else if m.flags['h'] {
if m.flags['p'] {
s = "{TODO}"
} else {
if selfhasptr(v) {
s = "{EHASPTR}"
} else {
bytes := std::tobytes(v)
for i,b in bytes {
s += sprintf("%02x", b)
} else if m.flags['p'] {
s = sprintf("%llv", v)
} else {
if ^str(v) != null {
s = str(v)
} else {
s = sprintf("%v", v)
if m.pad == 0 {
return s
if len(s) > m.pad {
if m.padLeft && m.padRight {
return slice(s, (len(s) - m.pad) / 2, (len(s) + m.pad) / 2)
} else if m.padLeft {
return slice(s, len(s) - m.pad, len(s))
return slice(s, 0, m.pad)
buf := make([]char, m.pad)
for i in buf {
buf[i] = m.padChar
start := m.pad - len(s)
if m.padLeft && m.padRight {
start = (m.pad - len(s)) / 2
} else if m.padRight {
start = 0
for i,c in s {
buf[i + start] = c
return str(buf)
fn parseMod(s: str): Mod {
if len(s) == 0 { return {} }
type StateType = enum {
state := StateType.findPadNumber
mod := Mod{}
for i:=0; i < len(s); i++ {
switch state {
case .findPadNumber:
if s[i] >= '0' && s[i] <= '9' {
state = .parsePadLeft
i = -1
} else if i >= len(s) - 1 {
i = -1
state = .parseFlags
case .parsePadLeft:
if s[i] == ':' {
mod.padLeft = true
} else {
state = .parsePadChar
case .parsePadChar:
mod.padChar = s[i]
state = .parsePadNum
case .parsePadNum:
if s[i] >= '0' && s[i] <= '9' {
mod.pad *= 10
mod.pad += int(s[i]) - int('0')
} else {
state = .parsePadRight
case .parsePadRight:
if s[i] == ':' {
mod.padRight = true
} else {
state = .parseFlags
case .parseFlags:
mod.flags[s[i]] = true
return mod
//~~fn vsfmt
fn vsfmt*(s: str, args: []any): str {
o := ""
a := 0
for i:=0; i < len(s); i++ {
// handle \{
if s[i] == '\\' && i < len(s)-1 && s[i+1] == '{' {
o += "{"
// if normal character, just add it to the output
if s[i] != '{' {
o += s[i]
if a >= len(args) {
return o + "{ENOTENOUGH}" + slice(s, i)
start := i
end := -1
for _:=0; i < len(s); i++ {
if s[i] == '}' {
end = i
if end < 0 {
return o + "{EUNTERMINATED}" + slice(s, start)
mod := parseMod(slice(s, start, end))
o += formatVal(args[a], mod)
if a != len(args) {
return o + "{TOOMANY}"
return o
//~~fn sfmt
fn sfmt*(s: str, args: ..any): str {
return vsfmt(s, args)
//~~fn vffmt
fn vffmt*(f: std::File, s: str, args: []any) {
fprintf(f, "%s", vsfmt(s, args))
//~~fn ffmt
fn ffmt*(f: std::File, s: str, args: ..any) {
vffmt(f, s, args)
//~~fn vfmt
fn vfmt*(s: str, args: []any) {
vffmt(std::stdout(), s, args)
//~~fn fmt
fn fmt*(s: str, args: ..any) {
vfmt(s, args)
type vec2 = struct {
x, y: int
fn main() {
printf("basic usage:\n")
fmt(" a number {}, a string {}\n", 32, "hello")
printf("skip format tag:\n")
fmt(" skip me \\{} {}\n", 8)
printf("complex types:\n")
fmt(" what can this print? {} {}\n", vec2{2, 4}, []int{1, 2, 3, 4})
printf("pretty printing:\n")
fmt(" {p}\n", vec2{2, 4})
printf("print as hex:\n")
fmt(" {} == 0x{x}\n", 255, uint8(255))
fmt(" {} == 0x{h}\n", vec2{2, 4}, vec2{2, 4})
printf("pad left:\n")
fmt(" {:.11X}\n", 0xfff)
printf("pad right:\n")
fmt(" {.11:X}\n", 0xfff)
printf("pad both:\n")
fmt(" {:.11:X}\n", 0xfff)
printf("pad too small:\n")
fmt(" { 2:} {: 2:} {: 2}\n", "abcdefg", "abcdefg", "abcdefg")
fmt(" aaaa { bbbbb\n", 1)