
fn isfile

Returns true if the given path is a regular file, false otherwise. If the file doesn't exist, returns false.

fn isfile*(path: str): bool {

fn isdir

Returns true if the given path is a directory, false otherwise. If the directory doesn't exist, returns false.

fn isdir*(path: str): bool {

fn islink

Returns true if the given path is a symbolic link, false otherwise. If the link doesn't exist, returns false.

fn islink*(path: str): bool {

fn mkdir

Creates a directory at path. Returns 0 on success, or an errno on failure.

fn mkdir*(path: str): std::Err {

fn mkdirp

If the directory at path doesn't exist, creates it and all parent directories. Returns EALREADY if part of the path already exists and is a file.

fn mkdirp*(path: str): std::Err {

fn remove

Removes a file at path. Returns 0 on success, or an errno on failure.

fn remove*(path: str): std::Err {

fn link

Creates a symbolic link at link pointing to target. Returns 0 on success, or an errno on failure.

fn link*(target: str, link: str): std::Err {

fn listdir

Returns a list of files in the given directory, second argument is 0 on success or an errno on failure.

fn listdir*(path: str): ([]str, std::Err) {

struct WalkArgs

Arguments to the walk function.

type WalkArgs* = struct {
	excludeDirs: bool // if true, directories will not be walked
	skipLinks: bool   // if true, symbolic links will not be walked

fn walk

Walks the given directory, calling the given callback for each file.

fn walk*(dir: str, cb: fn(file: str), args: WalkArgs = {}): std::Err {

fn chmod

Changes the permissions of the given file. Returns 0 on success, or an errno on failure.

fn chmod*(path: str, mode: int): std::Err {

enum Platform

The platform the program is running on.

type Platform* = enum {

fn getPlatform

Returns the platform the program is running on.

fn getPlatform*(): Platform {

fn getCwd

Returns the current working directory.

fn getCwd*(): (str, std::Err) {

fn setEnv

Sets the given environment variable to the given value. Returns 0 on success, or an errno on failure.

fn setEnv*(key: str, value: str): std::Err {

struct StatBuf

type StatBuf* = struct {
	mode: uint32
	uid: uint32
	gid: uint32
	size: uint
	atime: int
	mtime: int
	ctime: int

fn stat

Get information about a file.

fn stat*(path: str): (StatBuf, std::Err) {

fn chdir

Changes the current directory of the process. Returns 0 on success or an errno on failure.

fn chdir*(path: str): std::Err {

fn sleep

Sleep for ms amount of milliseconds.

fn sleep*(ms: int) {

import (

type Errno* = int

fn umc__strerror(errno: int): str
fn strerror*(errno: Errno): str {
	if errno == 0 { return "" }
	return umc__strerror(errno)

fn errFromErrno(e: Errno): std::Err {
	return std::error(e, strerror(e), "os.um")

fn umc__isfile(path: str): bool

//~~fn isfile
// Returns true if the given path is a regular file, false otherwise.
// If the file doesn't exist, returns false.
fn isfile*(path: str): bool {
	return umc__isfile(path)

fn umc__isdir(path: str): bool

//~~fn isdir
// Returns true if the given path is a directory, false otherwise.
// If the directory doesn't exist, returns false.
fn isdir*(path: str): bool {
	return umc__isdir(path)

fn umc__islink(path: str): bool

//~~fn islink
// Returns true if the given path is a symbolic link, false otherwise.
// If the link doesn't exist, returns false.
fn islink*(path: str): bool {
	return umc__islink(path)

fn umc__mkdir(path: str): int

//~~fn mkdir
// Creates a directory at path. Returns 0 on success, or an errno on failure.
fn mkdir*(path: str): std::Err {
	err := umc__mkdir(path)
	return errFromErrno(err)

//~~fn mkdirp
// If the directory at path doesn't exist, creates it and all parent
// directories. Returns EALREADY if part of the path already exists and is a
// file.
fn mkdirp*(path: str): std::Err {
	// hack to initialize the library
	parts := filepath::split(path)
	accum := ""
	for i in parts {
		accum += parts[i] + str(filepath::fileseparator)
		if isfile(accum) {
			return errFromErrno(37) // EALREADY
		if !isdir(accum) {
			err := mkdir(accum)
			if err.code != 0 {
				return err
	return {}

fn umc__remove(path: str): int

//~~fn remove
// Removes a file at path. Returns 0 on success, or an errno on failure.
fn remove*(path: str): std::Err {
	return errFromErrno(umc__remove(path))

fn umc__link(target: str, link: str): int

//~~fn link
// Creates a symbolic link at link pointing to target. Returns 0 on success, or
// an errno on failure.
fn link*(target: str, link: str): std::Err {
	return errFromErrno(umc__link(target, link))

fn umc__listdir(path: str, arr: ^[]str, strArrType: ^void): int
//~~fn listdir
// Returns a list of files in the given directory, second argument is 0 on
// success or an errno on failure.
fn listdir*(path: str): ([]str, std::Err) {
	var files: []str
	err := umc__listdir(path, &files, typeptr([]str))
	return files, errFromErrno(err)

//~~struct WalkArgs
// Arguments to the walk function.
type WalkArgs* = struct {
	excludeDirs: bool // if true, directories will not be walked
	skipLinks: bool   // if true, symbolic links will not be walked

//~~fn walk
// Walks the given directory, calling the given callback for each file.
fn walk*(dir: str, cb: fn(file: str), args: WalkArgs = {}): std::Err {
	files, err := listdir(dir)
	if err.code != 0 {
		return err

	for i,f in files {
		if f == "." || f == ".." {

		fullpath := filepath::join(dir, f)

		if isdir(fullpath) {
			if !(args.skipLinks && islink(fullpath)) {
				err = walk(fullpath, cb, args)
				if err.code != 0 {
					return err

			if !args.excludeDirs {
		} else {

	return {}

fn umc__chmod(path: str, mode: int): int

//~~fn chmod
// Changes the permissions of the given file. Returns 0 on success, or an
// errno on failure.
fn chmod*(path: str, mode: int): std::Err {
	return errFromErrno(umc__chmod(path, mode))

//~~enum Platform
// The platform the program is running on.
type Platform* = enum {

fn umc__get_plat(): Platform

//~~fn getPlatform
// Returns the platform the program is running on.
fn getPlatform*(): Platform {
	return umc__get_plat()

fn umc__getcwd(out: ^str): Errno

//~~fn getCwd
// Returns the current working directory.
fn getCwd*(): (str, std::Err) {
	var out: str
	errno := umc__getcwd(&out)
	return out, errFromErrno(errno)

fn umc__setenv(key: str, value: str): int

//~~fn setEnv
// Sets the given environment variable to the given value. Returns 0 on
// success, or an errno on failure.
fn setEnv*(key: str, value: str): std::Err {
	return errFromErrno(umc__setenv(key, value))

//~~struct StatBuf
type StatBuf* = struct {
	mode: uint32
	uid: uint32
	gid: uint32
	size: uint
	atime: int
	mtime: int
	ctime: int

fn umc__stat(path: str, buf: ^StatBuf): Errno

//~~fn stat
// Get information about a file.
fn stat*(path: str): (StatBuf, std::Err) {
	sb := StatBuf{}
	err := umc__stat(path, &sb)
	return sb, errFromErrno(err)

fn umc__chdir(path: str): Errno

//~~fn chdir
// Changes the current directory of the process. Returns 0 on success or an errno on failure.
fn chdir*(path: str): std::Err {
	return errFromErrno(umc__chdir(path))

fn umc__sleep(ms: int)

//~~fn sleep
// Sleep for `ms` amount of milliseconds.
fn sleep*(ms: int) {

fn main() {
	plat := "unknown"
	switch getPlatform() {
		case .posix: plat = "POSIX"
		case .windows: plat = "Windows"
		case .emscripten: plat = "Emscripten"
	printf("Platform: %s\n", plat)

	if cwd, err := getCwd(); err.code != 0 {
	} else {
		printf("Cwd: %s\n", cwd)

	if err := remove("test"); err.code != 0 {
		printf("Error: %s (code %d) in %v\n", err.msg, err.code, err.sender)
	printf("isfile(\"os.um\") = %v\n", isfile("os.um"))
	printf("isdir(\"os.um\")  = %v\n", isdir("os.um"))
	printf("isfile(\"umbox\")   = %v\n", isfile("umbox"))
	printf("isdir(\"umbox\")    = %v\n", isdir("umbox"))
	printf("isdir(\"umbox/\")    = %v\n", isdir("umbox/"))
	printf("isdir(\"umbox\\\")    = %v\n", isdir("umbox\\"))
	printf("islink(\"umbox\")   = %v\n", islink("umbox"))
	printf("islink(\"umbox/filepath/umbox/strings\") = %v\n", islink("umbox/filepath/umbox/strings"))
	printf("stat(\"os.um\") =\n%v\n", stat("os.um"))
	printf("Walk dir:\n")
	if err := walk(".", fn(file: str) {
		printf("\t%v\n", file)
	}, { skipLinks: true }); err.code != 0 {
		printf("Error: %s (code %d) in %v\n", err.msg, err.code, err.sender)
	if err := link("../../two", "test/one/two/three/four"); err.code != 0 {
		printf("Error: %s (code %d) in %v\n", err.msg, err.code, err.sender)
	chmod("test", 0744)


	if cwd, err := getCwd(); err.code != 0 {
	} else {
		printf("Cwd: %s\n", cwd)