umka v1.5.4

The Umka programming language



Welcome to Umka!

Umka is a statically typed embeddable scripting language. It combines simplicity and flexibility with compile-time type checking, following the principle Explicit is better than implicit.


  • Clean syntax inspired by Go
  • Cross-platform bytecode compiler and virtual machine
  • Garbage collection
  • Arrays and structures compatible with C
  • Polymorphism via interfaces
  • Multitasking based on fibers
  • Type inference
  • Distribution as a static or dynamic library with a simple C API
  • C99 source


400 x 400 matrix multiplication (AMD A4-3300M @ 1.9 GHz, Windows 7)

Getting Started


Projects in Umka

  • tophat: A 2D game framework focused on minimalism
  • SaveScum: A tophat-based puzzle platformer game

  • Money, please!: A visual novel/puzzle game. Designed and developed in 96 hours for GMTK Game Jam 2024

  • I LOVE FEM: A tophat-based 2D finite element method demo

  • SpaceSim: A 3D orbital rendez-vous and docking simulation that uses a custom software renderer written in pure Umka, with tophat as a 2D drawing backend

  • Umka OS: A proof of concept operating system written in C and Umka

  • VDrift/Umka: A racing simulator that lets you design, tune and test your own car autopilot

  • TractorSim3D: A 6 DOF tractor dynamics simulator with a scriptable steering controller and raylib-based graphics

A Tour of Umka


fn main() {
    printf("Hello Umka!\n")



const a = 3

const b* = 2.38                         // Exported identifier

const (
    c = sin(b) / 5
    d = "Hello" + " World"


type IntPtr = ^uint16                   // Pointer

type Arr = [a]real                      // Array

type (
    DynArr = []int                      // Dynamic array

    String = str                        // String

    Button = enum {                     // Enumeration

    MyMap = map[str]real                // Map

    Quat = struct {                     // Structure
        q: [4]real
        normalized: bool

    Printable = interface {             // Interface
        print(): int

    ErrFn = fn(code: int)               // Function


var e: int

var f: String = d + "!"

var (
    g: Arr = {2.3, -4.1 / 2, b}
    h: DynArr
    m: MyMap

q := Quat{{1, 0, 0, 0}, true}


fn tan(x: real): real {
    return sin(x) / cos(x)

fn getValue(): (int, bool) {
    return 42, true

callback := fn (event: int): bool |context| {   // Closure capturing context
    return context.ok && event > 0


fn (a: ^Arr) print(): int {
    printf("Arr: %v\n", a^)
    return 0



a = 42
m["Hello Umka"] = 3.14
alpha, beta = beta, alpha

Declaration via assignment (with type inference)

sum := 0.0
h := make([]int, 3)

Function call

y := tan(30 * std::pi / 180)
h = append(h, []int{10, 20, 30, 40, 50})
h = delete(h, 1)

Method call



if x, ok := getValue(); ok {
    printf("Got %v\n", x)


switch a {
    case 1, 3, 5, 7: printf("%d is odd\n", a)
    case 2, 4, 6, 8: printf("%d is even\n", a)
    default:         printf("I don't know\n")

switch v := type(val) {          // val is an interface 
    case int: printf("int: %d + 5 = %d\n", v, v + 5)
    case str: printf("str: %s + 5 = %s\n", v, v + "5")
    default:  printf("unknown: %v\n", a)


for k := 1; k <= 128; k *= 2 {
    printf("%v\n", k)

for i, x in g {
    if fabs(x) > 1e12 {break}
    if x < 0 {continue}
    sum += x


a := new(int)

child := make(fiber, |a| {    // a is captured  
    for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
        printf("Child : i = %d buf = %d\n", i, a^)
        a^ = i * 3
        resume()              // Switch back to parent

for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
    printf("Parent: i = %d buf = %d\n", i, a^)
    a^ = i * 7
    if valid(child) {
        resume(child)         // Switch to child

Umka vs Go


While Go is a compiled systems programming language with a complex runtime library and big output binaries, Umka is a scripting language with a lightweight interpreter that can be easily embedded into any application as a shared library.


Umka is very similar to Go syntactically. However, in some aspects it's different. It has shorter keywords: fn for func, str for string, in for range. For better readability, it requires a : between variable names and types in declarations. It doesn't follow the unfortunate C tradition of pointer dereferencing. Instead of *p, it uses the Pascal syntax p^. As the * character is no longer used for pointers, it becomes the export mark, like in Oberon, so that a programmer can freely use upper/lower case letters in identifiers according to his/her own style. Type assertions don't have any special syntax; they look like pointer type casts. Closure definitions require explicit lists of captured variables.


Umka allows implicit type casts and supports default parameters in function declarations. It features the ternary conditional operator deliberately omitted from Go. It doesn't have slices as separate data types. Instead, it supports dynamic arrays, which are declared like Go's slices and initialized by calling make(). Method receivers must be pointers. The multithreading model in Umka is inspired by Lua and Wren rather than Go. It offers lightweight threads called fibers instead of goroutines and channels. The garbage collection mechanism is based on reference counting, so Umka needs to support weak pointers. Full Unicode support is under development.


Source code


License: BSD-2

Download count: 461

Last updated: 11 hours ago

To add this package to your project run:

umbox install umka

Or download as a tar.


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